Cos’è Apex?

Una piazza di negoziazione che presenta una grande differenza. La piattaforma propone ai broker l’accesso all’equivalente dell'utilizzo di uno smart order router (SOR), connesso a 13 sedi LIT europee. Apex aiuta i broker a beneficiare di un avanzato servizio di Best Execution paneuropeo, al netto della tecnologia e delle commissioni di esecuzione.

Sì, senza commissioni!

Tramite un’unica connessione, Apex fornisce ai broker l’accesso alle migliori condizioni di liquidità su tutte le principali borse europee, tra cui Parigi, Amsterdam, Milano, Londra, Xetra, Bruxelles e Lisbona. Copriamo i titoli azionari più liquidi e i prodotti ETF su tutti questi mercati e abbiamo accesso a circa 1600 titoli azionari frammentati.

Vantaggi per i broker:

Best execution

Best Execution

Access to evidenced Best Execution at the VBBO, using our proprietary technology with free daily reports

Cost reduction

Cost reduction

Apex members pay no execution fees and can benefit from lower clearing costs - with only low connectivity costs and also a competitive membership fee.

Increased liquidity

Increased Iiquidity

Through our unique trading model and relationship with market makers

Better service

Better service

Got a question? Our expert client team is always on hand to answer questions and solve problems as quickly as possible.

Le principali caratteristiche di Apex:

Limit Order Protection

Limit Order Protection

When we say we deliver Best Execution, we truly mean it. Limit Order Protection (LOP) enhances the speed and likelihood of execution for resting orders. Where a trade occurs on the primary market at a price better than the resting order’s limit, Equiduct automatically generates an Liquidity Provider order to execute the volume traded on the primary market. LOP trades are allocated on the basis of price/time priority. We are the only exchange that has mechanisms in place that enhance execution quality

EBBO Booster

Apex Retry

Another way that Equiduct ensures Apex provides Best Execution to resting orders is through the Apex Retry: When an order becomes marketable against the EBBO an automatic trade is initiated against the pool of Liquidity Providers. Another unique feature only available through Equiduct.

Feature #3

Opening and Closing Cross

Equiduct operates an opening and closing cross that facilitates trading at the same opening/closing price as that generated by the primary market.

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Market Notices
Market Activity
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Scarica la brochure di Apex

Scarica la nostra brochure per una panoramica completa delle caratteristiche di questa piattaforma, tra cui i dettagli delle nostre modalità operative in grado di offrire Best Execution a te e ai tuoi clienti. 

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Scopri tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulle opzioni di adesione ai servizi offerti da Apex.


Il nostro team è sempre disponibile a rispondere a qualunque domanda tu abbia.