Market Status

See up-to-date information on the status of all the markets covered by Equiduct’s platform, including any problems that may affect trading.


Euronext Amsterdam

Euronext Brussels

Euronext Lisbon

Euronext Paris

Euronext Milan


London Stock Exchange

Turquoise (TRQX)

Cboe Europe (CXE book)

Cboe Europe (BXE book)

Bolsa Madrid

Cboe Europe (DXE Book)

Turquoise Europe (TQEX)

Euronext Oslo

Nasdaq Stockholm

Nasdaq Helsinki

Nasdaq Copenhagen

No Alert


Alert di Borsa

Visualizza i dettagli degli avvisi di tutte le Borse coperte dalla piattaforma Equiduct, inclusi eventuali problemi che potrebbero influire sul trading.

Queste informazioni sono disponibili solo in inglese. 

31st Lug 2024 09:58 CEST Resolved Madrid Market Data issues Please be advised that we are currently seeing Market Data issues from the Madrid exchange view
11th Mar 2024 11:11 CET Resolved Equiduct Temporary market data issue An unplanned failover within our system caused some problems with stale market data for instruments on two of our four matching segments, for around 14 minutes starting at 10:18CET and ending at 10:32CET view
12th Ott 2023 19:14 CEST Resolved Market Data Issue (Secondary Gateway) Market data issue with the B side (secondary) gateway. The A side (primary) gateway was unaffected. No trading impact. The outage lasted 30 minutes. view
9th Ott 2023 15:35 CEST Resolved Market Data issues - CBOE CEUX (DXE) Please be advised that CBOE CEUX (DXE) market data issues have now been resolved.
28th Ago 2023 12:41 CEST Resolved Madrid Market Data Issue Please be advised that Madrid market data issues have now been resolved. view
29th Mar 2023 10:07 CEST Resolved Milan Market Data Issue Please be advised that market data issues with Milan stocks have now been resolved. view
28th Mar 2023 10:05 CEST Resolved Milan Market Data Issue Please be advised that market data issues with Milan stocks have now been resolved. view
27th Mar 2023 13:54 CEST Resolved Euronext Market Data Issues Please be advised that market data issues with Euronext stocks have now been resolved. view
24th Mar 2023 09:14 CET Resolved Milan Markets Unavailable Please be advised that due to a market data issue, Italian markets are unavailable for trading on Equiduct today.

We expect this issue will be resolved ready for normal trading on Monday morning.

29th Dic 2022 10:05 CET Resolved Euronext and Milan Market Data Issues Please be advised that market data issues with Euronext and Milan markets have been resolved.


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