Equiduct Services

Modello de mercato innovativo, soluzioni per i dati di mercato e la best execution rivolte ai broker retail e ai clienti istituzionali

Equiduct offre servizi di trading pensati su misura per due categorie di pubblico: i broker retail e le società d’investimento istituzionali 

Servizi per i broker retail

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For retail brokers to unlock a new world of commission free, best execution.

Book a free customised simulation using real trading to compare the savings and benefits.

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Significantly reduce your market data costs and receive more comprehensive real time data from any other single European venue.

Find out how much you can save

Servizi per le società d’investimento istituzionali

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For institutional members, our growing exchange provides an additional source of liquidity and complements your existing Best Execution technology. Plus, our platform facilitates trades with low market impact.

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Significantly reduce your market data costs and receive more comprehensive real time data from any other single European venue.

Find out how much you can save

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Il nostro team è sempre disponibile a rispondere a qualunque domanda sui nostri servizi. Facciamoci una chiacchierata…