Market Status

See up-to-date information on the status of all the markets covered by Equiduct’s platform, including any problems that may affect trading.


Euronext Amsterdam

Euronext Brussels

Euronext Lisbon

Euronext Paris

Euronext Milan


London Stock Exchange

Turquoise (TRQX)

Cboe Europe (CXE book)

Cboe Europe (BXE book)

Bolsa Madrid

Cboe Europe (DXE Book)

Turquoise Europe (TQEX)

Euronext Oslo

Nasdaq Stockholm

Nasdaq Helsinki

Nasdaq Copenhagen

No Alert


Market Alerts

See details of alerts of all the markets covered by Equiduct’s platform, including any problems that may be affecting trading.


29th Oct 2018 09:27 CET Resolved Euronext Delayed Open Resolved Euronext technical issues have now been resolved. Date resolved: Monday, October 29, 2018 - 16:56 view
15th Oct 2018 09:05 CEST Resolved Xetra - Delayed Open Please be advised that Xetra has now opened (at 10:10 CET) and is trading as normal. Date resolved: Monday, October 15, 2018 - 13:43 view
13th Dec 2017 08:40 CET Resolved Xetra Technical Issues Resolved Xetra have resolved their technical issues and will open as normal at 09:00 CET.
Date resolved: Thursday, December 14, 2017 - 16:02
13th Oct 2017 15:01 CEST Resolved PartnerEx/SpotVBBO Service - Intermittent issues with Bats (BATE) and CHI-X (CHIX) market data Please be advised that we are seeing intermittent issues with some BATE and CHIX books. The issue is sporadic and is not affecting all instruments. We are working with our supplier to resolve the issue as soon as possible. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Market Control.
Date resolved: Friday, October 13, 2017 - 13:01
13th Oct 2017 10:53 CEST Resolved PartnerEx/SpotVBBO Service - BATS Books not included in VBBO Calculation UPDATE 10:50 CET
CHIX books are now available and included in the VBBO calculation. We are working to resolve the ongoing issue with BATS books. Date resolved: Monday, October 16, 2017 - 06:37
13th Oct 2017 10:15 CEST Resolved PartnerEx/SpotVBBO Service - No BATS or CHIX Books included in VBBO Calculation UPDATE - 10:10 CET
Due to ongoing technical difficulties with our supplier, BATS and CHIX books remain unavailable and will not be included in VBBO or PartnerEx VWAP calculations. We are working closely with our supplier to resolve the issue as soon as possible and will supply further updates on this page.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Market Control. Date resolved: Monday, October 16, 2017 - 06:37
13th Oct 2017 09:18 CEST Resolved PartnerEx/SpotVBBO Service - BATS and CHIX Books are now included in VBBO and PartnerEx VWAP Calculations Please be advised that our external data supplier has now fully resolved the issue and Bats and CHI-X books are now included in VBBO and PartnerEx VWAP calculations.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Date resolved: Monday, October 16, 2017 - 06:37
5th Oct 2016 12:55 CEST Resolved Euronext Technical Issues Please be advised that Euronext are experiencing technical data issues which is affecting Equiduct's PartnerEx service. This page will be updated when further information becomes available.

Date resolved: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 10:55
7th Jun 2016 15:38 CEST Resolved Euronext Technical Issues Euronext are experiencing technical issues which has caused a partial market halt affecting certain instruments. Following investigation, we have determined that this has had no impact on instruments trading within Equiduct’s PartnerEx or SpotVBBO services. Date resolved: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - 08:21 view
18th May 2016 17:02 CEST Resolved Issue at Euronext Resolved Please be advised that Euronext have resolved their issues and Euronext prices are now included in PartnerEx and SpotVBBO VWAP calculations. Date resolved: Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 07:51 view

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